Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wal-Mart is Flexing its Muscles

Wal-Mart is planning on opening an additional 40 super stores to their already staggering 325 stores in Canada. They are also planning on retrofitting existing Wal-Marts into the iconic supercentre stores. All of these expansions for Wal-Mart is expected to cost over $500 million dollars in expenses. With all of these retrofits happening to the existing Wal-Marts it will increase the size of each individual Wal-Mart from 79,000 square feet to 200,000 square feet.

The expansion of the Wal-Mart supercentres will decrease all of the sales of local grocery, electronic, and variety stores. It won't just effect those stores though it might also effect local farmers who would be supplying the local grocery stores with their produce. Yes Wal-Mart would rake in a lot of jobs opportunities for people, but there might be an even greater loss of jobs within the town because all of local business's going out of business. That is why I think that all of the expansion that Wal-Mart is doing is bad for the local economy.