Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yemeni Bomber Leaves Behind Fingerprint as a Reminder of Taliban's Strength

The FBI has uncovered that the Al Qaeda's top bomb (Ibrahim al-Asiri) maker has been the maker of the bombs of the recent attacks on the U.S. This just goes to show how the death of Osama has not changed anything with the war. After the death of Bin Laden the Al Qaeda responded in their eulogy that there would be violence to follow. This means that it is likely that there will be more bombing attempts on American soil, and that the Yemeni section of Afghanistan will play a more important role in their efforts in the war.

I think that we should pay a closer attention to this Yemeni group. These people obviously are playing an important role in the Al Qaeda and need to be stopped. This group has the Al Qaeda's leading bomb maker who has been linked to several terrorist attacks before. We need to take care of this immediately or risk having a serious attack on North American soil.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Denmark to Lay Claim to The North Pole

The Scandinavian nation Denmark plans to plant its flag on the North Pole, and other spots on the Arctic. This would create a territorial dispute between three countries, Canada, Russia, and Denmark. These countries are looking to obtain the natural resources such as oils, and minerals. The countries have to wait for the ice to melt first though, once that happens there should be a large amount of resources waiting for them. Canada has a deadline to present their underwater maps and other various scientific data to help them get territory in the north pole. 

I think that these countries shouldn't be worrying as much in the resources of this area but be worrying about what the effects would be if all of the north pole were to melt. The effects of this would be catastrophic. The sea level would meters and would flood whole cities. Also I wouldn't be surprised if this would create tension within countries possibly starting a war. 


Monday, May 16, 2011

Japan Vows to Stabilize Nuclear Plant in 6 to 9 Months

Japan said that it will stabilize and shut down the nuclear plants in 6 to 9 months as planned. The effects of the plant has caused two more towns around the nuclear plant to be evacuated for concern of people having contracted nuclear diseases. The governments timeline was questioned when they found out that the damage on the plant was worse then they expected. There has been a slight bit of good news though; one of the reactors has cooled down to 100C this is close to the shutdown for the reactor. All towns within a 20km radius have been evacuated and the people within these towns have been adjusting to the lifestyle of living in the evacuation centers.

I think that the goal of 6 to 9 months is reasonable goal for the Japanese. These people have been thrown out of their home for their own safety. These people shouldn't to live in evacuation centers that is why it is important for the government to get these people back to their homes and fix the problems with the nuclear plants.   
