Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pay $1,800 or Get Out

Deb Matthews has demanded that Ontario Hospitals stop threatening elderly patients with a daily charges of $1,800 so they can free up some beds. The normal pay for a patient should be $53.23 or less. The lack of nursing homes in the GTA has caused an overload of elderly patients staying in the hospital waiting for a bed to free up at a home. Some Ontario hospitals would threaten the elderly patients with outrageous fees so that they would free up that bed an get someone who very ill in. The ministry is sending out reminders to the Ontario hospitals reminding them that they are not allowed to charge these people this amount of money.

I think that what the hospitals are doing is sick, and wrong. They shouldn't be charging these people this amount of money just for a bed while they are waiting for a bed in a nursing home. I think that the government should look into building homes onsite of the hospitals this way if an elderly person comes in they can keep them there for a temporary time until they find a permanent home. They should also look at making more nursing homes in the GTA there is not enough homes for the amount of elderly residents there are in the GTA.

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