Monday, April 18, 2011

Robot Reports High Radiation at Japan Nuclear Plant

Two robots were sent into the Japanese power plant and returned reporting that it was to dangerous for repair crews to return to the camp to try and fix the reactor so that the civilians can return to their homes. Officials are hoping that they will gradually reach the plant and allow residents to return to their homes. The list of things to fix at the plant are constantly growing they now discovered that there is contaminated water in other areas of the plant, also some pellets have begun to melt. The Japanese have allowed their workers to get a total of 250 millisieverts per year more then double their original regulation, at 1,000 millisieverts is were the body starts to show signs of radioactive sickness.

I think that the government should have reacted quicker on this problem they should have noticed that the nuclear plant was getting out of control and should have contained them right away. Now the Japanese have a large problem on their hands and at the moment they can't do anything about it.

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