Tuesday, February 1, 2011

147 Tickets a Day Issued for Breaking Ontario's Cellphone Ban

Since the banning of Cellphone usage well driving their has been over 49,000 tickets for breaking this law. Drivers are no longer allowed to call, text, email or use any other entertainment devices well driving. As of not long ago a study showed that there was an average of 147 tickets were given out daily in Ontario for using their cellphones. Even public bus drivers have been caught driving well they have been texting when on route with their passengers.

With these kinds of statistics it is obvious that people are not getting the message. They continue to use their cell phones while driving. This is not a bad thing for police as the average ticket for this offense is $155. With this outrageous amount for a ticket police find it easy to give people these tickets. I think that people who repeatedly get these tickets should consider installing Blue tooth, or consider not using their cellphone well driving because it costing them loads of money.


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