Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ottawa too Soft on Tax Crimes: Report

An Internal report to see how Canada's efforts to stop tax fraud showed that Canada is letting way too many criminals off the hook with this crime. Most of the criminals caught doing this crime aren't even sent to jail, unlike countries like U.S, Britain, and Australia. This is because tax cops generally go after smaller crimes so that the success right is high and it is quick which results in no one with worse crimes being prosecuted. Even when the criminals are prosecuted most of the tickets go unpaid. Over the past 4 years 1,200 people were convicted with tax dodging, well at the same time 5,000 criminals got away with tax dodging getting away with $428 million dollars of unpaid tax money. The Agency said that it will try to come up with recommendations by Dec. 31 to resolve the problems. 

I think that th government needs to start to focus more on this problem. We can't allow a small margin of people to get away Scot free with this crime and make everyone else continue to pay these taxes. I think that if the government decided to spend some more money on this problem that they would get that money back very easily.

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