Thursday, March 31, 2011

Election Set For May

After more than five years as the leader of minority government, Prime Minister Stephen Harper finally lost the confidence of the House of Commons on Friday and will ask Governor General David Johnston Saturday morning to dissolve Parliament for a general election expected to be held on May 2. No prime minister of a minority government in Canada's history went as long as Harper without losing a vote of confidence.

I think that harper was doing a fine job and that there was no need for a re-election. These pricey and are very time consuming for the population. Although the party has been known for making a couple mistakes along the way there is no immediate reason for change.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who Will Arm the Rebels?

As the tension is building in Libya some are asking for the US to support the rebels in their attempt to over throw Moammar Ghadafi from power. The rebels are beginning to run out of ammunition, and Ghadafi's army has much more utilities. They have war planes, tanks, helicopters, anti-aircraft weapons, rocket launchers, mines, mortars, anti-tank missiles, and lots of machine guns and armored vehicles. Most of this equipment is old and has very few spare parts so they break down easily. James Amos says that, "i think probably the greatest threat are Ghadafi's helicopter-type forces." The rebels have few anti-air defenses. They have a few portable heat seeking missiles which can take down the helicopters, but they have few and there aren't any coming soon.

I think that the US should help out the rebels in their attempt to over throw Ghadafi. The US already supports other countries with their military, why not support the rebels where it would be put to a good cause. I think that if the US supported the rebels they would be praised by many.    

Monday, March 7, 2011

Toronto Universities Fed Up With 'Out of Control' Student Parties

On February 2nd, a group of students held a party at a residence in Ryerson University. The party got out of control and cost $4,000 in damage before University staff broke up the party. Disciplinary actions are going to take place for the residence. If the people who caused the damage on up to their crime then the whole floor will be billed for the repairs. The Universities in Toronto are planning on cracking down on more of these destructive parties. Many events that in the past have been known for their craziness are now being canceled by the school, for example a University in BC canceled their cheap beer night because after a investigation by the RCMP for under age drinking they had to shut down the bar. 

I think that these kids should get their act together and instead of partying like this they should be forming small study groups for their upcoming exams. Most of these kids are spending thousands of dollars a year for an education and are throwing it away by drinking, doing drugs, and partying to no extent breaking many things in the process just to have a little fun i don't think that the fun is worth the risk of losing your education.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hunger On the Rise in Canada

The number of people who are malnourished and chronically hungry people in Canada is growing at an alarming rate. This report says that provincial and federal changes to need to be made to protect these peoples income security. The panel said that business must pay their employees enough money so they can afford to buy nutritional food. The number of people going to drop-in center's food center has risen a lot. A single food center has doubled the amount of meals that is giving out a day (100 meals to 200 meals). In March alone across Canada food banks helped 867,948 people.

The number of people going hungry is unacceptable. The government should step in and start to help these people. I think that the government should either raise the income of these people or invest in more income security programs, because too many business are paying their employees to low of a salary to have a nutritious meal.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New mercury rules would ban thermometers, batteries

The public has until May 12 to comment on the potential banning of products that contain mercury in Canada. If the Mercury containing products there would be a reduction of 4.5 tonnes each year entering the market. Mercury can effect the neurodevelopment and learning development of small children. The main products that contain mercury are thermometers, batteries, and measuring instruments. The government is planning on improving the label on the level of mercury in a product and  how to properly dispose of these kind of products.

I think that if this is such a problem right now that the government should have done something about a long time ago. Many of thermometer and battery companies will feel the effect of this passing, I don't believe that this is the best way for the government to solve this problem. I think that they should use government produced commercials notifying the public about this problem.