Monday, March 7, 2011

Toronto Universities Fed Up With 'Out of Control' Student Parties

On February 2nd, a group of students held a party at a residence in Ryerson University. The party got out of control and cost $4,000 in damage before University staff broke up the party. Disciplinary actions are going to take place for the residence. If the people who caused the damage on up to their crime then the whole floor will be billed for the repairs. The Universities in Toronto are planning on cracking down on more of these destructive parties. Many events that in the past have been known for their craziness are now being canceled by the school, for example a University in BC canceled their cheap beer night because after a investigation by the RCMP for under age drinking they had to shut down the bar. 

I think that these kids should get their act together and instead of partying like this they should be forming small study groups for their upcoming exams. Most of these kids are spending thousands of dollars a year for an education and are throwing it away by drinking, doing drugs, and partying to no extent breaking many things in the process just to have a little fun i don't think that the fun is worth the risk of losing your education.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Harvey dent, These kids have a chance that some kids don't have the chance because they screwed up and didn't follow threw with there education. They should leave the partying to the end, and the studying and work for now because that's what they are there for and wasting it on some dumb party doesn't help at all.
