Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who Will Arm the Rebels?

As the tension is building in Libya some are asking for the US to support the rebels in their attempt to over throw Moammar Ghadafi from power. The rebels are beginning to run out of ammunition, and Ghadafi's army has much more utilities. They have war planes, tanks, helicopters, anti-aircraft weapons, rocket launchers, mines, mortars, anti-tank missiles, and lots of machine guns and armored vehicles. Most of this equipment is old and has very few spare parts so they break down easily. James Amos says that, "i think probably the greatest threat are Ghadafi's helicopter-type forces." The rebels have few anti-air defenses. They have a few portable heat seeking missiles which can take down the helicopters, but they have few and there aren't any coming soon.

I think that the US should help out the rebels in their attempt to over throw Ghadafi. The US already supports other countries with their military, why not support the rebels where it would be put to a good cause. I think that if the US supported the rebels they would be praised by many.


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